

Pray. Connect. Explore.

We are a Christian husband and wife team from North Carolina. We have been married for over 25 years and have twin teenage daughters. We enjoy doing activities as a family and watching our daughters grow into confident Christian women.

We have the same stresses as many other married couples; finding time for each other, work/life balance issues and the fun of raising kids. And like many of you, we have had our ups and downs throughout our marriage. Through one of our valleys several years ago, we began listening to a lot of Christian marriage resources, reading scripture together, and refocusing our marriage with God. As we continued to learn the importance of God's design of sex and intimacy in a Christian marriage, we found there to be a lot of great resources talking about it, but very few helping us put it to practice.

We began to feel a stirring in our hearts led by the Holy Spirit to help in this particular mission for the Christian marriage. And although way outside of our comfort zone and beyond anything we thought we would ever do, a leap of faith was taken and Romantic Blessings was born.

Our Prayers for Romantic Blessings are:

  • By taking the leap of faith to establish Romantic Blessings we pray we will fulfill the mission the Holy Spirit has placed upon our hearts to remind couples that you can have a fulfilled sexual life with your spouse and still be in line with God’s ideal for marriage .
  • We pray that the products, resources, and business partnerships we offer through Romantic Blessings will honor God by helping couples grow closer to each other in their marriages. Thus, bringing them, as one flesh, closer to God and closer to His design for the Christian marriage.
  • We pray that at least one marriage that is not being reached in any other way will be truly and intimately blessed through the products and resources offered through Romantic Blessings.
  • We pray that couples will be blessed through our resources by knowing that God truly loves them and cares for their needs.
  • In our prayers we get strength to not let the focus of Romantic Blessings be corrupted by money or led by greed. We continually pray and receive strength to always stay focused on honoring God in all that we do and all that we offer.
  • We pray daily for God's direction for Romantic Blessings. We pray daily that every product, service, and business partnership we associate with Romantic Blessings is led by God.

The above statements are what we pray for daily. What we would like to ask of you is that you add Romantic Blessings to your personal prayer list. We ask you to pray that God will give us discernment in all that we do, that we will continue to listen to God’s still voice, and that we will recognize God's guidance in all that we do.









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