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Our Goals

Click here to learn more about our Prayers & Goals

Program Details

Click here to Contact Us for additional information about our Partnership Programs

Meet the Owners

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Contact Us

Click here to learn more about the owners of Romantic Blessings


Romantic Blessings' mission is to help Christian wives and husbands continue to grow their intimacy and relationship with each other and as a couple together with God. “Do not deprive each other except perhaps by mutual consent and for a time, so that you may devote yourselves to prayer. Then come together again so that Satan will not tempt you.“ 1 Corinthians 7:5.

Romantic Blessings seeks to encourage the fun with and Godly instruction to “come together again” by providing marital and romantic aids along with a sex positive resource community in a Christian safe No Nudity environment to encourage the continual exploration of the Christian marriage through sex and intimacy.


Our Prayers & Goals

Our prayers & goals for Romantic Blessings are that:
1. By taking the leap of faith to establish Romantic Blessings we pray we will fulfill the mission the Holy Spirit has placed upon our hearts to remind couples that you can have a fulfilled sexual life with your spouse and still be in line with God’s ideal for marriage .
2. We pray that the products, resources, and business partnerships we offer through Romantic Blessings will honor God by helping couples grow closer to each other in their marriages. Thus, bringing them, as one flesh, closer to God and closer to His design for the Christian marriage.
3. We pray that at least one marriage that is not being reached in any other way will be truly and intimately blessed through the products and resources offered through Romantic Blessings.
4. We pray that couples will be blessed through our resources by knowing that God truly loves them and cares for their needs.
5.  In our prayers we get strength to not let the focus of Romantic Blessings be corrupted by money or led by greed. We continually pray and receive strength to always stay focused on honoring God in all that we do and all that we offer.
6. We pray daily for God's direction for Romantic Blessings. We pray daily that every product, service, and business partnership we associate with Romantic Blessings is led by God.

The above statements are what we pray for daily. What we would like to ask of you is that you add Romantic Blessings to your personal prayer list. We ask you to pray that God will give us discernment in all that we do, that we will continue to listen to God’s still voice, and that we will recognize God's guidance in all that we do.

With prayers for your marriage,
the Romantic Blessings team

Affiliate Marketing Program Details

As a Christian Marriage Party Host Affiliate with Romantic Blessings: 

1. You can earn 10% commission* for every dollar sold** when your affiliate link is used by a customer.
2.  You can recruit affiliate influencers to our program. When they register using your affiliate link you will earn a $25 sign up bonus and 5% commission* on every dollar sold** when the affiliates' link that you recruited is used.
3. An affiliate that you recruited can recruit affiliate influencers and you earn 3% commission* on every dollar sold** when the recruited affiliates' link is used.

4. You will also be eligible to participate in any special rewards and other offers we may offer as we grow our affiliate program.

*Commissions do not include tax or shipping fees. Tier level qualifications are calculated monthly and based on actual sold price. Commission payouts 1x a month via PayPal
** Sold price is net order price after any discounts.

Fill out our Affiliate Registration Form and click "Apply" to sign up!

We are not just another store selling sex toys - Our mission is to help married couples live God's design for marriage

Romantic Blessings strives to accomplish this mission through providing:

1. No nudity, porn or exploitative content - Romantic Blessings offers couples a safe place to shop where neither spouse has to worry about being flooded with images that can be detrimental to their marriage and their relationship with God.
2. More than just sex toys, we also offer product education resources and intimacy products - Romantic Blessings wants each couple to be able to purchase toys that may lead to new excitement, experiences, and exploration in their marriage. But we also work very hard to provide free and safe education resources for those that are new to the world of sex toys and exploring new ways of intimacy in their marriage.
3. We offer products and links to Christian marriage resources for education, understanding and growth - Romantic Blessings understands that many couples (just like we were not too long ago) may not be aware of the many resources available to help couples grow their marriage through a deeper relationship with God. Some may not even understand God's design for marriage. So we have developed partnerships with a few of the leading Christian Marriage podcasters and educators to help you get started in your journey to grow your marriage.
4. We tithe 10% of all earnings to Christian missions - Romantic Blessings understands and believes that all we have belongs to God. We believe in following God's instructions to give back to Him what rightfully belongs to Him to be used in the Great Commission.

The Romantic Blessings Affiliate Program provides you the opportunity to bless married couples in their walk with God while also rewarding you for referring your friends, family, colleagues and beyond for sales from our online store.

Fill out our Affiliate Registration Form and click "Apply" to sign up!

Fill out our Affiliate Registration Form and click "Apply" to sign up!

After you complete the online application on the registration page, Romantic Blessings will provide email notification within 3-5 business days on average. If approved, you can access your account and start sharing links/banners.

Meet The Team



Blair is an expert in supply chain, inventory management, distribution and customer service and has 35+ years experience in business operations. 

Blair enjoys golf, history and music. He serves as a Deacon and plays guitar, bass and keyboard for his church family.



Teresa is an expert in graphic design, photography and social media. She has 20+ years experience in marketing and administration.

 Teresa enjoys nature, travel, spending time w/family. She volunteers in the church's children & youth departments.

The Rest of the Team

Suppliers & Partnerships

We've worked hard to build a team that provides the best customer service in a discreet, safe shopping environment.

This team includes (but is not limited to):

1. 14 (and growing) Strategic Supply Partners
2. 13 (and growing) Christian Marriage Podcaster/Blogger/Educational Partners
3. 4 Business Management and Content Development Partners
4. An awesome Affiliate Partner Network (that could be you too)
5. Prayers and Counsel from Several Church/Ministry Leaders






