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Our Sexploration List is a 25-page resource designed to make it easier for you and your spouse to share your sexual likes, dislikes, desires, boundaries, and fantasies. It gives a framework for discussing over two hundred activities, words, vocalizations, name, and feelings as well as worksheets to build lists of activities you are both interested in now or might be in the future.
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Super cool resource for getting to know more about your spouse for those who find these conversations a little hard to get started!
I had been feeling for a while like my wife and my bedroom time was becoming less fun for both of us as we found ourselves doing the same things over and over again because we knew that we could both “finish” by doing certain things. I had previously tried to have a discussion with my wife about this and handled it way too abruptly and insensitively. She was blindsided and felt like I was unhappy with our sex life. This wasn’t the case, but I now know that’s how I came across. Move forward a few months and I came across the sex within marriage podcast. In a few of the episodes I heard about this resource. I decided to make the purchase and try to be more sensitive and respectful in how I presented it to her. My intention was not to just express and fulfill my own desires, but to find out hers. Going through this list was eye opening for both of us. We found out things that we both interested in but felt too uncomfortable to bring up as to not offend one another and others that one of us wanted and the other was willing to try or even intrigued by. There were some things we found we could bless one another with, others that were off the table for now, and some neither of us had any interest in. It was an eye opening time for both of us to go through. Follow the suggestion of going through the list separately then coming together to discuss. It helped us be more honest and then when coming together where we were on the opposite side of the spectrum to give the reasons why we liked or didn’t like that potential activity. Be respectful, understanding and don’t force your personal agenda! This is not a “you now know I want this so we’re gonna do it now” situation. My wife and I took a while to go through the list separately, then shared our lists with each other so we knew the other’s responses, then had a very open and honest conversation. We had this conversation about a week ago and things have changed dramatically in bed. We are both more engaged, excited, playful and willing to explore the other’s desires. We already feel more connected and more comfortable to talk about our sex life without the concern of what the other may think of us.
Thank you so much for creating resource!! It is a blessing to have someone with a biblical Christian mindset put this out there for others to benefit from!!
Wow!!! This was sooooooo thorough and so incredibly helpful for us. We learned so much about one another going through the questionnaire and it sparked great conversations. There were many things that we needed to look up because we had no idea what they even were. Who knew there was so much FREEDOM and FUN to be had in the bedroom of two Christ Followers. I encourage EVERY married couple to get this! You will NOT be disappointed!
This was a fun evening activity for my husband and I. We’ve been married for 6 months so we’re still trying to figure out what works for us and what doesn’t. I don’t think there was anything extremely surprising, as we’ve done something similar to this before, but I liked this because 1. It’s a lot of suggestions in one place 2. It’s on paper, so you can compare/reprint/make notes. And 3. It’s not just sexual activities – there are names, terminology, and sounds which is cool. I also like how it gives you a relationship checkup, where you and your spouse can see what areas are maybe weaker. I found out things I didn’t realize my husband was feeling or wanted, and I think he also learned more about me. I would recommend this to learn about your spouse’s needs, even if you think you know what you like to do in the bedroom.
Great conversation starter. It seemed to help remove some awkwardness in discussing bedroom preferences which would have not likely been discussed or asked without the sexploration list. It also gave ideas on what we could try next. To the contrary, some of the questions were a bit repetitive, and the rows were hard to follow and match up with the questions hence the rating. In the future, Man related questions separate from Women related questions would be helpful. Most questions were too generic .
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