Give Thanks to Your Husband & Wife

Give Thanks to Your Husband and Wife

It’s the time of year we gather together to visit with family and close friends, feast on turkey and all the fixings, and count our blessings. We want to suggest that you put your spouse at the top of those blessings. Here is a scripture to remember as you make your list.
Proverbs 5:18
May your fountain be blessed, and may you rejoice in the wife of your youth.
Replace the word “wife” with “husband” for a reciprocal relationship of elation and appreciation in each other that can be like a shield against any attack, spiritual or physical, of your holy union.
Strengthen Your Marriage with a Thankful Heart
With the stresses and life changes brought on by 2020 (and now it looks like into 2021), it may have become easy to take your better-half for granted. On the other hand, due to the pandemic, you may be spending more time with them than usual, which might cloud the true appreciation you realize you have for them when they are away for a while. Keep this verse in mind when your patience is wearing thin with your spouse.
Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen. Ephesians 4:29
Because of all the “togetherness”, you may need to pay even more attention to the thankfulness you show each other. Take time to recognize the important attributes your spouse brings to you and your family.
Write an Actual List
Reflecting on what you are grateful for in your spouse throughout the year, and then writing it down, especially during challenging times, helps you focus on each other’s blessings and not think about the stressors surrounding you. At the end of the year, or perhaps at Thanksgiving, you can share your list with them, maybe even read the lists aloud to each other.
Expressing your sincere thankfulness will most likely become a blessing to your spouse and encourage the same behaviors in the future. Also, the periodical gratitude you feel as you add to your list will solidify your marriage even further.
A Thankful Heart Is a Happy Heart
Give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus. 1 Thessalonians 5:18
Even on the worst days, there is something you can think of to sincerely thank your spouse. Just this small act may help you be more patient with them, which can strengthen your character, make you a happier person, and, in turn, grow your marriage.
The Power of Thank You
Instead of a simple, “Thank you,” say, “Thank you for letting me sleep in while you fix breakfast. It really means a lot to me.” Even though “thank you,” is a powerful phrase, it can be strengthened even more by being specific.
It’s also important to acknowledge your spouse’s special qualities. When they hang the Christmas lights, tell them you appreciate them for being brave enough to climb the tall ladder...something you would be afraid to do. God has given us a desire to be acknowledged for who we are and to be realized for who God wants us to be.
Prayerfully consider this “thankful list” tradition to honor your own marriage. Through consistent appreciation and recognition of Christ’s presence in your spouse, your marriage can reach a higher level of intimacy. For other ways to increase intimacy levels in your marriage, turn to Romantic Blessings Christian sex shop for sex toys for married couples, and other Christian intimacy products and information.
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